Projects Database!

This is a collection of of new and old projects I've worked on, as well as some archival stuff. Conent is currently being organized and "cleaned up" before publishing.

Aeuhh??? 3.9

Aeuhhh??? 3.9 is a custom theme for StepMania where all graphic content is replaced with one picture of Tim Allen and all audio & sound effects are replaced with the Aeuhhh??? grunt.

This is a very dumb project with nothing benificial to the StepMania community other than as a gag. (Coming soon)

Black Hole Gate: Dimension Warrior

Black Hole Gate: Dimension Warrior is an indie RPG being developed by Studio Nedved: A small, independant game studio founded by Hristos Triantafillou and myself. I'm on as graphic designer, Hristos rocks the programming. Music and sound is TBD as the game is still in the early stages of development. Black Hole Gate (BHG) runs off the GoDot engine, which utilizes a wide variety of languages (C++, C#, Rust, Nim, D.Visual) as well as GoDot's own GDscript.

BHG's gameplay is in the vein of Dragon Warrior, Earthbound, and Ultima.

Past Web Design (2006-2009) was the first site I really cared about and real people actually visited, commented, downloaded, contributed, etc. Digging out this gem from a series of external HDDs and piles of folders, I've managed to reconstruct (for the most part) the early days of Hopscotch Mix (circa 2006-2009).

Note: Many external links and DLC content is missing or broken.

Reigun Overdose Blog Layout (2006-2007) was a small side project about a chain-smoking cliché anime girl (Reigun) who moves to America (Merika) on a work visa and hopelessly falls into ruin, suffering underemployment, alcohol abuse, financial struggle and eviction/deportation. A dark comedy about the struggles crippling poverty and trying to survive. Very few demo prints of the first issue were xeroxed and distributed free at a few small record stores in Chicago around 2007. The project was later recycled as a character and artist for the Hopscotch Mix series.

Note: Please excuse the sloppy & lazy code. Most links are broken or redirected to the blog's home page.

For no reason, view the 404 page.


Archive I put together a dedicated archive for most of my works, including original sources, loops and layers for audio and graphics. Feel free to use, sample or remix.


AC-CheatCodes A simple, static, open-source hub for Animal Crossing cheat codes. (GCN, Dolphin emulation)