September 26, 2007

Update Cluster!

csd has graced us with another wild moded course Evolution!

> Download Evolution course (93.7 KB)

Also, m4st4k31 has entered an edited version of Z.X.Z -NIGHTMARE VERSION- into the StepMix 3 contest, so be sure to check it out!

> StepMix 3 Entries

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September 6, 2007

Download Hopscotch Mix Encore BETA Theme

Temporary hosting through WikiUpload (Credit to FSX).

There are still some bugs, and any solutions would be greatly appreciated.

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September 5, 2007

I have had the Encore BETA Theme done for some time now, if anyone was curious. But for a while now, my FTP has been giving me static.

I just thought i'd make a note of this, and any good suggestions would be appreciated.

In the mean time, i'll try different methods.

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August 13, 2007

New modified courses by csd

csd has been kind enough to script 4 unique courses for the Hopscotch series: Panic, Eye Candy, Mutated, and Twisted.

Each course contains songs from Hopscotch Mix 1 through Encore!

>Download csd's courses (332 KB)

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August 7, 2007

Modified ITG2 cabinet hosts new songs & courses!

We were treated to a nice surprise on Saturday at Brunswick Zone of Naperville, IL. Out of pure coincidence, Kid Covington and I happened to show up right before WinDEU was to intall Insomnia 1, 2, and 3 on one of the ITG2 dedicabs!

This became quite a thrill for me, as now two of my songs (complete with original artwork, but edited steps) are permanently hosted on this machine. So without a flash USB key, you can play these songs in either "Dance" or "Marathon"!

>Click here to view pictures

P.S.: Got my ass handed to me on Insomnia 3!

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July 18, 2007 turns the big 01!

We are approaching the 1-year anniversary on August 6th, and you know what that means...

Big thank yous to everyone who made Hopscotch Mix what it is! So go ahead and give yourself a big old grandma-sized hug, 'cause were going another year!

Also in the Hopscotch news, the short 6 song Encore Expansion Pack has been announced:

6.5.1 by DJ Analytic Hum

Catastrophe by Sun Buddha

Harmful Matter by Family Farce

Mr. Distortion by The Grind

Raveaholic by Pointy

soLve X by Yawaraka

And finally, the magnificent WinDEU and his video proof that Z.X.Z -NIGHMARE VERSION- is possible to pass on expert with your feet!

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July 1, 2007

Z.X.Z -NIGHTMARE VERSION- and !(Z)x(Z)! have been added to WinDEU's Insomnia 3 (BETA) moded course. If you're unaware, WinDEU is responsible for some if ITG's moded marathons, and he has also created some extremely insane courses for Stepmania.

Note: Edit steps used. Thanks csd for the info.

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June 21, 2007

Encore theme screenshots available!

Click here to check out what the Hopscotch Mix Encore theme is looking like. Again, nothing is final and a release date is still unavailable, but I will post here and on when completed.

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June 18, 2007

Update cluster; and i've been on holiday (sort of).

The Hopscotch Mix Encore theme is still in development. Megaman Z and I have been working out some kinks and such with both programming and graphics, so expect some new screens this week. The courses are almost finished, and I am working on an updated Tsubrothersgamush+ course, which will be the same, but with Tsu.respect.gamusH included.

I also have plans on releasing a small Encore Expansion Pack soon. This will include a few new songs to add to the existing Encore pack.

And one more thing: TsuicidegamusH. Coming sometime in the future...


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June 12, 2007

Just re-uploaded the entire "TSU" series to the singles section. My apologies for the broken links that have been there for some time.

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June 4, 2007

Guess which jerk got his Fifth Place Award for the StepMix 2 contest? This jerk!

(Real updates coming soon, but thought i'd make a note of this.)

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May 24, 2007

In random news...

Probably the best Z.X.Z -Nightmare version- Challenge pass I've seen yet! (Note: Video a bit off-sync)

Also, congrats to Paul (a.k.a Dark Xuxa) for the first documented pass of TSUSURVIVORGAMUSH on a pad!

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May 19, 2007

> Download Hopscotch Mix Encore (1 of 2) (25.4 MB)

> Download Hopscotch Mix Encore (2 of 2) (28.6 MB)

Please download both parts for Hopscotch Mix Encore. Total combined contains 24 original songs complete with audio files, artwork, and stepfiles.

Also included are the Extra Stage files. In order to make them work, please label the folder Hopscotch Mix Encore.


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May 15, 2007

Release date: This Week!

I'm Just finishing up some final touches, but Encore will be available this week!

The theme and courses are still buggy, but should be ready sometime very soon.

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